Cell Phone Effects

“Ding” goes your brand new Iphone 6 “ring” goes your phone as your mom calls you.
How does our life’s affected by cell phones? In today’s world most teenagers have cell phones, even kids in the second grade I just call that spoiled. What would we do if cell phones were not invented yet? Our life are greatly affected by cell phones because teenagers use cell phones as a toy, adults use cell phones as a learning helper.
For example, most kids use their phone as a toy to play games like “Clash of clans , Minecraft, Csr racing.”Girls use phones for “Snapchat,Instagram” to post their latest selfie. Over 75% of the United States Has an Instagram, some girls have more than one account, which can be dangerous because they get addicted to Instagram and get distracted in school by the “ding” of their cell phone to see that someone liked their post. We are greatly affected by cell phones because they are so “cool” to have.
In additon, We can use cell phones to find new things, such as “something as simple as finding a job, or even looking up help on homework.” I want you to go to a restraunt and look at how many people get on their phones rather than talking to the person in front of them. When looking for a job we often look for the good things such as ” the paycheck”, we can do that all by using our cell phone! We can use our cell phones to do things we may not know it can do. A famous scientist said,” Technology is only as smart as the user.” Meaning this a cell phone can do only what you know what it can do.
To Conclude, cell phones affects everyone using it. We use it in our everyday life as a tool and sometimes a toy for our enjoyment. When society changes the things we love, the creators like “Apple” make a new phone to fit society so the company can make more money. Cell phones are useful to everyone so everyone gets a cell phone. When you get lost you can pull out your phone and go to the “maps” app and find your way. Cell phones can have a negative effect on people and a positive effect on people it all depends on how you use it.

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